Friday, September 26, 2008

Week 6

Internatioal schools blogging are pretty much the same as American schools. They use it pretty much for the samw things as the American schools. The schools in Shanghai, China uses the Wiki, where they can entend extend their learning that goes on in their classes, they can meet and chat with friends about related topic to their class. They also used it to find ways to connect the content they are studying. Shanghai schools also uses blogging to send parents annocement ,and news bulletins concerning their children progress and school activities.

Computers are widely used in Quebec schools for teaching and learning activities, as well as for doing reasearch and carrying ont tele-collaborative projects. Other current projects in Quebec are the Remote Networked Schools. Today, more than 50% of teachers are using the Internet and computers in their classrooms, and several more are using them for the administrative areas of teaching. Their are over 75% of students using the internet for their studies and their everyday learning.


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